

Work From Home: The Movie

Our second full-length film has started production. WFH is a documentary that explores the tangent reality of not leaving the house while still holding down a job. A dream realized for some yet mental health hazard for others. Suffocating isolation or peace at last? 

The pandemical dystopia forced each house and family into its own reality show. These are their stories… but could it be yours? 

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summer of 2022

The Cast

“The Cast” was originally a web series production that depicts the behind the scenes foolery that happens in theatre when egos are bigger than the production. 

The Cast is Miracle Sims’s sophomore feature and Kelvin “Sleepz” Carter’s debut. What makes this film so special? Well… Miracle and Sleepz are “The Cast”. The entirety of shooting took place in a two-bedroom house over a three day period and showcases a clever and talented approach to film-making both in front of and behind the camera. #ATL #createyourownwork

visit and subscribe to the ok boomer newsletter for the low-down. 

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Business challenges are always there (in and out of pandemics). Challenges are opportunities to grow, innovate, and take chances. If its gonna be hard anyway… might as well make the best of it. 

What started out as a vehicle to produce and market podcasts has become something more. We roll with the punches and become the partner that creators and business owners need. We listen, we dream with you, and we pull our resources to create together. 


Communicate who you are and establish your dominance and expertise. This is where we find your "look", define your niche, and make sure every part of your digital appearance follows suite.
#cool #youare

social media management

"You want to be, where the people are" --- don't you little mermaid? Lets go! When we've defined your personal/business brand, communicating with your target audience is second nature. The key? - Consistency in image and messaging. We got you covered on both fronts.
#tweeters #facebookers #instagrammers


Why use lot word when few word do trick? The key?- The right words to the right audience through the right medium. It can be difficult to describe your business from the inside, but we'll work with you to make sure your messaging converts, retains, and mirrors your branding.
#speakgood #wedo #stories #wetell

email marketing

You provide the names - or you don't. Either way, its a darn shame if your ideal audience isn't getting email from you. They're probably looking at the inbox now just hoping to hear from you.

web design

No cookie cutter shenanigans - your business deserves a stunning and responsive WordPress website that looks great on any device.
#looksgood #worksgood #secure #better


Stuff and services for sale!!! Get your stuff and services here!! Plus our web-site is secure so put in those credit card numbers fellas. Drop-shipping options as well? Shoooooooot....
#mystuff #sold

marketing mediums

Promote and sell with a style tailored to you, your brand, and your ideal costumer. From billboards to direct mail - google ads to branded hats. Why limit your style? There are always new ways to reach people. Heck - we'll go door to door if we need to. I won't, but maybe like an intern or something.
#allthecustomers #alltheplaces

editing and production

Create or improve your videos with compelling editing and post-production- not everything has to be a feature-film, but it sure as heck can be close. PLUS - looking good is one thing - but we make sure your sound is mastered and crystal clear.
#lookgood #soundgood #wegood #yougood

business email

... Because if your business card says @gmail or @yahoo (God forbid @aol or @netscape)- you might as well be running a lemonade stand. Send and receive emails from your domain with professional and secure email. Archiving, HIPPA, we've got so much to talk about!
#newemail #whodis #security #legit


We'll write all the right words but we'll write them in all the right places. Your branding communicates, you're socially active, looking great, sounding great, now we need to introduce you to our most famous friends.
#words #location #location #location

Public relations

You're already crushing SEO - look good - sound good - nothing makes SEO sexier than more SEO. But this time we put YOU in the spotlight. - Forbes -Entrepreneur -Yahoo!Finance (just to name a few) Once business is rolling, this is where we solidify your authori-tie.
#okyouguys #almostfamous

course creation

This could be your entire business model or a tasty piece of the pie. You are the master of your domain, and people should be learning from you. Teach us your ways oh wise one. You create the content, we'll design a sexy production with motion graphics, effects, and a solid soundtrack.
#genius #back2school #masterclass


Take your pod to the next level with better production, show-notes, and strategizing. You hit record, we'll do the rest. I know you're good, so focus on your content and we'll focus on your continuously growing audience of raving fans.
#soundgood #apple #spotify #google #audible